The most energy efficient light bulbs

It’s not a tough choice to decide to make the switch to energy-efficient light bulbs, but do you know which type of energy-efficient bulb is right for you? There are two main choices when it comes to energy-efficient bulbs: LEDs and CFLs. As you may know, both will consume much less energy than a traditional incandescent bulb, but there are other factors to consider before deciding which one will work best in your home or office! Below is a little more info about each type of bulb and what makes each one unique. 

First things first: let’s compare the energy efficiency of the three main bulbs available on the market. The efficiency of a light bulb is determined by comparing the amount of energy consumed to the amount of light produced by the bulb. 

  • Incandescent Bulbs: produces 10-17 lumens of light per watt of energy. 

  • Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs): produces 90-112 lumens of light per watt of energy. 

  • Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs): produces 40-70 lumens of light per watt of energy. 

More about CFLs

CFLs are the most widely used energy-efficient bulbs and have a lifespan of 8-10 years. While fluorescent bulbs used to give off an odd colour of light, they have now evolved and come in a wide range of colours and tones. CFLs are ideal in areas that need lots of general or task lighting, such as kitchens and bathrooms. Unfortunately, CFLs are difficult to dispose of safely as they contain mercury, and they often cannot be used with dimmer switches. 

More about LEDs

LED bulbs are the most energy efficient and last the longest (as long as 40-50 years), and as more and more people use them the price is trending downwards. LEDs are also more environmentally friendly as they do not contain mercury or lead, and they work well with dimmer switches. Much like CFLs, LED bulbs also come in a whole rainbow of colours. One downside to LEDs is that they produce more blue light than CFL bulbs, and this can cause sleep interruptions due to suppression of sleep hormones.

Here’s a more in depth post on the difference between CFL and LED bulbs. No matter what type of bulb you go for, remember to look for the energy star certification. If you’d like to know more about making your Victoria BC home’s electrical system more energy efficient, contact our team today!

Do you need to rewire your Victoria BC home?

Have you noticed that lately your home’s electrical system isn’t quite right? If you have noticed tripped breakers, blown fuses, flickering lights, or strange sounds and smells in your Victoria BC home, it might be time to rewire your home. Rewiring your home’s electrical system isn’t just about energy efficiency or convenience - a home with out of date wiring could be at risk for fire, shock, or even electrocution. 

Here are some signs that you may need to have a professional electrician rewire your home:

  • Frequent breaker tripping:

    Are you constantly trekking down to the fuse box or breaker panel to fix a blown fuse or tripped breaker? If so, it might be a sign that your electrical panel is working too hard.

  • Overloaded panel:

    If your electrical panel contains circuit breakers or fuses that are rated for a current that exceeds the capacity of their branch, your panel is overloaded. This means that it cannot safely support the amount of electricity running through it.

  • Heat or scorch marks
    When you touch your switches or outlet covers, do they feel warm or hot? If you notice heat or black scorch marks near your outlets, this is a huge risk of fire that should be addressed immediately.

  • Strange sounds or smells
    If you hear sizzling, buzzing, or crackling coming from your outlets and switches, this is a pretty good sign that you need to call an electrician ASAP. A scorching or burning smell also calls for an urgent investigation by a professional.

  • Brownouts
    A brownout occurs when your lighting dims noticeably or flickers often, and can signal a drop in voltage.

  • Outdated materials
    Over the years, the types of wiring and electrical components used in homes has changed dramatically. If your home still has TRS cables, aluminum wiring, or knob-and-tube wiring, it’s time for an upgrade to make sure your home is compliant with modern safety standards.

  • Two-pronged outlets
    Take a look at your outlets - do they have two holes or three? The third prong is used to ground the electricity and protect against electrocution. All old outlets should be replaced by three-pronged outlets.

  • Shocks
    Getting an electric shock - even a small one - when you handle outlets or cords should be seen as a sign to have your electrical system inspected.

  • Renovations
    Doing some renos and electrical upgrades? If you are adding a room, new sound system, or new appliances to your home, you are likely increasing the need for electricity. Older homes were not designed to support all of our modern devices, so you will need to rewire your system if you are looking to upgrade your space.

  • Too many extension cords
    One or two extension cords may be needed sometimes, but if you are using them everywhere or for major appliances, it could be time for an electrical upgrade.

Re-wiring a home is never a project for DIYers or amateurs! It can be extremely dangerous to attempt to work with electrical equipment, so you should always call in a licensed, professional electrician. Your local electrician will also be knowledgeable about the latest building codes for your area.

If it’s time to rewire your Victoria BC home, contact us today!

Common Electrical Problems In Old Homes

One of the worst things about electrical problems is that often you don’t know that there's an issue until it’s too late - and this is especially true with older buildings. If your home is getting older, there is a good chance that you are at risk of experiencing some sort of problem with your electrical system. While some of these problems can cause minor inconveniences and slightly higher electricity bills, other problems pose more serious threats to your home and family. Let’s take a look at some of the most common electrical problems in old Victoria BC homes. 

Faulty Cables and Wiring

Wires have come a long way in the last few decades, but plenty of houses still contain old types of wires. Older wiring often still works, but can quickly become a safety hazard. One main way to tell if your wires need replacing is to take a look at the insulation surrounding the wire. If that insulation is deteriorated, those wires need to be changed ASAP before they have a chance to start a fire. 

Old Breakers and Service Panels

There are plenty of old buildings that have breakers and service panels that have been discontinued for years, and some older buildings even still use fuse boxes instead of breaker panels. This type of equipment was discontinued for a reason - because something better is available to do the same task!

Low Electrical Loads

Older houses were built in a time when there weren’t as many gadgets around our homes, and the electrical systems reflect that. Most older electrical circuits are not built to handle the electrical load that many modern devices need, and this can lead to overloaded circuits. An overloaded circuit can cause all kinds of issues, including permanent damage. Have a certified electrician inspect your home’s electrical system if you believe that the circuits aren’t built to sustain a high electrical load.

Faulty Outlets

If your outlets only have two slots instead of three, it is likely that they are outdated and in need of replacement. That third slot is for a ground wire, and can be important to stop many different electrical issues. Don’t mess around with old, faulty outlets! 

Old Light Fixtures

Do you have an ancient light fixture in your home? Does it flicker constantly or perhaps need to be placed in an exact position to turn on? If so, it’s time to replace your lighting. Older light fixtures often have loose or faulty wiring which can be frustrating to deal with and even dangerous, so it is best to find a newer alternative. 

Our Victoria electricians gets called to plenty of older homes to replace existing electrical components and manage problems that old electrical systems have caused. If you would like to learn more about potential problem areas in your older home’s electrical systems, our team would love to help!

Why wait until there is a problem to bring your home up to today’s standards? Contact us today to get started.

Difference Between LED and CFL Bulbs

You might already know the benefits of switching to energy saving light bulbs, but did you know that you have multiple options? 

Not every energy saving bulb is the same! Choose the best light source for your home by reading about the two main types of energy saving light bulbs, LED and CFL, below. 

First things first, what makes CFL and LED bulbs different?

We mentioned that LED and CFL bulbs can save you energy compared to older light bulbs. You are probably familiar with the incandescent light bulb, and likely already have a few around your house. Incandescent bulbs work by putting a current through a filament to generate heat and light as a by-product of that heat. This type of energy use makes incandescent bulbs inefficient and gives them a much shorter lifespan, which means that you pay more to use them and have to replace them more often. 

The best replacement for incandescent bulbs are CFL (compact fluorescent lamp) bulbs and LED (light emitting diode) bulbs. While both of these bulbs offer a more efficient and long lasting alternative, they work slightly differently. CFL bulbs are made from a series of tubes filled with mercury, while LED bulbs have a semiconductor which applies electricity to a negatively charged diode and creates light with photons. So, which is right for you?

Compare: Power Consumption

Incandescent light bulbs are pretty inefficient when it comes to power consumption, so it is always best to switch to a higher efficiency bulb. But between CFL and LED bulbs, an LED bulb will use the least energy. A typical CFL bulb will use about 20-33% of the electricity that an incandescent bulb uses, while an LED uses an incredible 10-20% of the electricity of an incandescent bulb.

Compare: Lifespan

Did you know that your current incandescent bulbs only last for 600-1000 hours of usage? That’s a lot of replacement light bulbs to purchase! In comparison, CFL bulbs will last up to 10,000 hours while LED bulbs can last for 25,000 hours or more! By switching to a newer bulb, you will find yourself at the hardware store purchasing light bulbs much less often. 

Compare: Quality of Light

Both CFL and LED lights will generate more light than incandescent bulbs with the same amount of energy due to their lower power consumption, but they tend to give off different types of light. Since CFL bulbs are fluorescent, they will take a small amount of time to warm up and start generating their maximum amount of light. CFL bulbs give off a harsher white light which may be great for spaces that need brighter light, such an art studio or bathroom vanity. On the other hand, LED bulbs emit their maximum amount of light right away and can come in a wide variety of colours, and this gives them a more toned down or natural feel.  

If you have questions about light bulbs, light fixtures, or lighting electrical components, our electrician in Victoria BC is always happy to help. Contact us today!

Gain control of your electrical bill

As the summer months fade away in Victoria, the days are getting shorter and you may find yourself needing to flip on the lights earlier and earlier. With all of this extra electricity usage, your next utility bill is bound to be affected and you may be asking yourself ‘how can I gain control of my electricity bill’? 

As the average Victoria BC household electricity bill rises, keep in mind that there are some steps that you can take to avoid paying more. And the best part? These steps don’t involve making drastic changes to your lifestyle or sacrificing comfort and convenience. Below are a few tips to help you keep your electricity bill under control this season and beyond! 

Find Phantom Energy Users

Did you know that some devices and appliances use electricity even when they are not powered on? These ‘Phantom Energy Users’ are common devices that are always plugged in such as computer chargers, gaming consoles, cable boxes, and DVR devices. A good rule of thumb is: if it has a standby light, it is likely using electricity while not in use. Unplug those unnecessary cables to help save your power! 

Swap Out Light Bulbs

Did you know that LED light bulbs use up to 80% less energy than standard incandescent bulbs? These newer bulbs also last up to 25 times longer! Switching the light bulbs in your home to LED just makes sense. 

Turn Off Fans & Lights When Not in Use

Are you guilty of leaving lights on when you leave a room? Having your entire house lit up while only a few people are home can get expensive, especially if you have a lot of overhead lighting. Try using smaller lamps to provide more direct light, and always turn off lights and ceiling fans while you are not in the room. 

Upgrade Your Appliances

If the appliances in your home are getting older, they are likely not as efficient as they could be. This can bump up your electricity bill more than you think! Think about upgrading to newer appliances, and be sure to look for the Energy Star certification. 

Check Your Doors, Windows, and Insulation

Did you know that small gaps and lack of insulation in your home can lead to energy waste? Lack of proper insulation can make your furnace and air conditioner work harder than necessary to keep your home warm or cool. Fix drafty areas to see a big impact on your electricity bill in the long run. 

Set Your Thermostat Properly

It may be tempting to constantly adjust your thermostat as the weather changes, but did you know that keeping your thermostat at a consistent and comfortable temperature will save energy? Once you decide on a good temperature for while you are home, set the thermostat for a few degrees lower while you are out of the house. If your thermostat doesn’t accommodate these settings, there are plenty of smart thermostats on the market that our team would be happy to help you look at. 

Run Appliances at Full Capacity

How often do you run your dishwasher and washing machine? Since these are two of the most highly used appliances in the home, they tend to use a lot of energy. By waiting to run these appliances until they are full, you can save the energy that you may be wasting by running them at half capacity. 

If you are looking for help to reduce your electricity bill, our Victoria BC electricians are happy to discuss the strategic steps that you can take around your home to minimize your extra usage. Contact us today to get started!

Kitchen Light Design Ideas

Does your kitchen need a facelift? Although many people may not immediately think of it, one of the most important aspects of your kitchen is the lighting. Having good lighting in your kitchen helps you prepare and serve meals, do homework at the kitchen table, or enjoy an early morning coffee. Did you know that the right lighting can even emphasize design features, set ambience, or make a small space seem larger?

So whether you are looking to add a few new lights to your space, or you are completely remodelling your kitchen, read on to find out how you can incorporate great lighting into one of the busiest rooms in your home. 

  1. Ambient Lighting Options - Having multiple ambient lighting options in your home gives you plenty of options for creating a fun and practical space for entertaining guests. Ambient lighting includes pot lights, sconces, and track lights - place a few of these around your kitchen with dimmer switches to help create different moods at different times of the day.

  2. A Feature Fixture - If you have the space in your kitchen, it is well worth looking into adding a feature fixture to your space. Anything from a chandelier to a group of pendant lights hung over an island or kitchen table can draw the eye and set the aesthetic for your entire room. 

  3. Think about Lighting Temperature - When it comes time to shop for new fixtures and light bulbs, think about the colour of lighting being given off. Go for warm and soft light for a more rustic or cozy home, and choose a cool or white light for a modern or industrial feel. 

  4. Make Task Lighting Fun - Since task lighting is meant to be practical, it isn’t often flashy. A great way to make your kitchen unique is to get creative with your task lighting, and you can do this by adding practical yet stunning cabinet lights or choosing an interesting looking pendant light for your island or peninsula.

  5. Make Room for Accent Lighting - While accent lights aren’t necessary, they can add all kinds of fun effects to your kitchen. Complete your kitchen’s look with under-cabinet lighting, toe lighting, under-counter lighting, or a funky lamp!

No matter what your kitchen looks like, our team is always happy to help you find the best lighting solutions for your home. Contact our electricians in Victoria BC to get help with your kitchen lighting design & other electrical services! 

When You Should Upgrade Your Electrical Panel

Do you know if your electrical panel is due for an upgrade? There are many features in your home that you can avoid replacing if you perform regular upkeep and maintenance, but your electrical system is not one of these things. Old electrical systems are problematic for two main reasons: they were probably built when the electrical codes were less stringent, and they are probably worn down which can make them unstable and dangerous. Before you rush to upgrade your panel right away, read the information below to determine if you should be calling a trusted electrician to take a look at your home’s electrical system.

Put simply, your home’s electrical panel is the centre hub where the municipal power grid is connected to your home. All electricity flows into your home through this panel, which is made up of a series of breakers or fuses that distribute electricity evenly to different areas of the home. You may also know your electrical panel as the fuse or breaker box, and it can be found in garages, basements, or utility rooms.

Besides the element of safety, there are a few other benefits to upgrading your home’s electrical panel. There are many modern ways to supply homes with electricity that are often more energy efficient, which saves you money, energy, and time. New electrical panels can also manage overload in a more productive way, which will help prevent electrical fires and breaker tripping. 

So, how do you tell if you need to upgrade your electrical panel? Locate your electrical panel and take a look at it to help you answer the questions below:

  • Is my home older than 20 years?

  • Does the electrical panel ever feel warm?

  • Are there fuses in the electrical panel instead of breaker switches?

  • Do the fuses or breakers break or trip frequently?

  • Does the electrical panel ever have an unpleasant smell?

  • Are all appliances in my home running at full capacity?

  • Do the lights in my home dim or flicker when I turn an appliance on?

  • Will I be renovating or adding to my home in the near future?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, it is likely that your home’s electrical panel is ready to be upgraded. Unless you are a licensed electrician, it can be very dangerous to try and perform this upgrade yourself. Always call in a trusted professional electrician in Victoria to help you upgrade or make changes to your home’s electrical system.  

If your electrical panel needs an upgrade, contact our certified electricians today to get started!

Why You Should Have A Home Surge Protector

Did you know that your home may be susceptible to power surges? Whether you have an older home with an out of date electrical system or a new home with recently installed electrics, power surges can affect you. A power surge can deteriorate and fry the electronic devices in your home over time or all at once, which is why surge protection is so important. Our Victoria BC electricians can install home surge protection along with our other residential electrical services, and here’s why you should consider it: 

Power surges happen for a variety of reasons, and they can start inside or outside the home. Some of the most common causes are short circuits, tripped circuit breakers, power outages, malfunctions from your hydro provider, and even lightning strikes. Even if your larger appliances are turned off, they can still be affected by a power surge. If a power surge is large enough, it can cause serious damage to your appliances and electrical system. 

Surge protection is a broad term for the various styles, shapes, and sizes of surge protectors that are available. Most surge protectors plug right into a wall outlet, and electrical devices can then be plugged into the surge protector. When a power surge happens, your surge protector will absorb any extra load and protect your connected devices. While these surge protectors sound convenient, keep in mind that you will have to add them to every outlet in your home and they will only protect the devices that are plugged into them. 

An alternative to traditional outlet surge protectors is whole home surge protection, which contains one centralized location that will help to protect your entire home’s electrical system. This type of solution protects every outlet in the home, which means that every one of your devices are also protected. 

If you are considering a whole home surge protector in your home, there are a variety of options available. Our team can provide convenient and easy installation, and you can trust that our expert team will be happy to answer any questions that you may have. Contact us today to get started!

10 Reasons To Call a Victoria BC Electrician

There are many reasons to call an electrician in Victoria BC, but unfortunately many homeowners are unaware of the situations that they should be calling their trusted electrician. There is a good chance that unless your home was recently built, the electrical system will need some kind of upgrade or repair. New electrical codes are often being released to help keep homes safe, so it is important to keep your home up to date with changes. Older homes especially may show signs that upgrades are due. Below are some commonly-overlooked things to look out for which will let you know it’s time to call an electrician: 

Breakers and fuses are tripping and blowing often

If your electrical breakers are tripping often, or fuses are constantly blowing, this means your electrical circuit is pulling more electricity that it can safely provide for your home. This could also indicate a dangerous fault in one of your home’s circuits.

Flickering or waning lights

Do your lights momentarily dim when the fridge, hair dryer, or air conditioner turns on? Motor driven appliances draw lots of current and should be wired on their own circuits. If they are not, you may experience a blown fuse or circuit breaker. If smaller appliances are causing this issue, you can add a 20-amp line just for these appliances.

Too many extension cords

When your living room is covered in extension cords running under carpets and furniture, this is a sign that your home needs more outlets. This is not just about convenience, it is also about safety as extension cords can cause fire and tripping hazards near furniture and rugs.

Too many things plugged into the same outlet

If your outlets are covered in plug strips and multi receptacle addons, your electrical system is probably working over capacity. It’s time to install more circuits to restore balance and safety in your home.

Wire insulation is not up to par

If your wires are covered in cloth instead of plastic, it’s time to upgrade your electrical system ASAP. Older homes were built for very different electricity needs, and the methods used in the past are not meant to safely hold up to today’s electrical needs.

Outlets won’t accept three-prong plugs

Most older homes have two-prong outlets that do not accept three-prong grounded plugs. While this might seem mildly annoying, it actually means that your home’s electrical wiring system might not be fully grounded or safe.

Outlets and switches are warm to the touch

When you touch outlets, switches, or other electrical system surfaces, are they warm? If you notice this or a blackening near a switchplate or wire end, you could have a serious electrical problem. This either indicates too much demand on the circuit or that aluminum wiring has been used in your home. This should be checked regularly!

There are no GCFIs

Nowadays, wet locations such as kitchens, bathrooms, and utility rooms have strict requirements to have Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) in all outlets. If your home is lacking these, all it takes is an easy retrofit installation to bring your home up to code with proper GFCI outlets.

Rust is developing

If you notice rust or moisture on your home’s main service panel, this is a very good sign that the system is worn out. A damaged panel cannot protect the main wiring connections within it, and this could also indicate that there are similar issues elsewhere in your electrical system.

Your home is over 25 years old

If your home is over 25 years old and you have never upgraded your electrical system, there is a good chance that you are living with an inadequate or dangerous system. For your safety, have an electrician inspect your home even if you have not noticed any of the above signs.

If your Victoria BC home needs an electrical upgrade, call our team of trusted electricians today.

Flood Damage & Electrical Safety

We’ve had a lot of rain recently here in Victoria BC. We could see more and we need to be prepared for the inevitable flooding that comes with it. While many homeowners have dealt with flooding before, one of the things that most homeowners forget about in a flood situation is electrical safety. It is important to remember that your home has many live wires and outlets that can become dangerous during a flood! To help keep you and your family safe, here are some pointers about flood damage and electrical safety: 

  1. Wait for the Professionals

    When you see a flood, your first instinct may be to rush into the area to save your furnishings or belongings from becoming water damaged. It is important to remember that a flooded basement can potentially electrocute anyone who enters it, so it is best to always call the a utility company, fire department, or a licensed electrician before entering the flooded area. This way they can make sure that the home’s electrical meter has been removed from the socket which will disconnect any electricity running to your home. Even if your home has lost power, you are still in danger of electrocution.

  2. Assume that all Flooded Electrical Equipment is Ruined

    Once you clean up the initial damage, it is important to keep in mind that all electrical equipment in the area needs to be replaced, even if it looks dry. There are very few items in the home that are rated to survive full submersion in water, even briefly. The equipment that needs to be replaced will include things such as plastic-sheathed building wire, armored cable, circuit panels and breakers, fuse boxes, switches, outlets, motors, blowers, fans, lights, heaters, air conditioners, furnaces, and boilers. Depending on the situation, some items may be salvaged, but it is risky to continue running this type of equipment after a flood.

  3. Have a Trusted Electrician Survey the Grounding and Bonding System

    Within your home’s electrical system, there is a part designed to carry electrical current during normal operation, and a part designed to safely ground a current when something goes wrong. This second part is known as the grounding and bonding system, and it can become severely damaged during a flood situation. Only a licensed electrician can survey this system for potential damage and advise you of any replacements that need to be made.

  4. Never Go into a Flooded Building Alone

    Even after a building has been disconnected from the power grid, never enter a flooded building by yourself. It can be dark and slippery in the flooded area, and you never know when you might need help. Always have someone standing by if you need to enter a flooded building. 

If you are dealing with a flood in your Victoria BC home, don’t hesitate to contact our trusted team of Victoria BC electricians right away.

Best Home Lighting Upgrades

Want to upgrade your home lighting but not sure where to start? By changing a few simple things in your home, you can brighten up your space and save yourself money on your home energy bills. 

Whether your new lighting will be apart of a major renovation or a minor upgrade, you will want to make sure you are up to date on the latest trends and technologies in home lighting. Below are five lighting upgrades that you can make in your home to modernize and elevate your space. Also be sure to read out last blog post on New Year’s Home Electrical Resolutions which has some great tips on upgrading your home electrical system.

Layered Lighting

Have you heard of layered lighting? This is a way that you can highlight certain aspects of your room while also ensuring there is enough light throughout the room. If you only have one light fixture or lamp in a room, instead try layering ambient lighting (general light coverage), accent lighting (light that highlights decorations or details), and task lighting (light that helps you complete a task such as reading or putting on makeup).

Energy Efficient Lighting

It’s time to upgrade to LED bulbs! By switching out your incandescent light bulbs for new LEDs, you’ll be saving up to 80% of your lighting energy consumption. Not only does this save you money on your energy bill, but it saves you time too! LED light bulbs last much longer and also come in a variety of tones and colours.


A surefire way to improve the lighting in any home is to install dimmers in most rooms. Dimmers allow you to control the amount of light in each room, and they can even be programmed to change levels depending on the time of day!

Smart Lighting

If you are looking for an ultra modern feel, smart lighting is a great option. Smart bulbs are easy to install, and they connect to your home internet network so that you can control your lighting right from your smartphone or voice-activated speaker.

Replace those lampshades

Replacing lampshades is one of the simplest and cheapest things you can do to upgrade the lighting in your home. Opt for a vintage lampshade or choose a sleek new one to completely change the feel of a room.

If you need more tips on how to upgrade your home lighting, speak to our Electricians in Victoria BC today about what we can do for you!

New Year's Home Electrical Resolutions

It’s a new decade and while many people set fitness or vacation goals, have you thought about your home electrical resolutions? One of the most attainable goals that you can set for yourself is about home development and improvement, and this includes your home electrical system. Why not set yourself up for success by planning how you can improve your home’s electrical system this year? Below are five tips to help you think about what can be updated, improved, and replaced to get your home’s electrical system in peak shape for the new year.

Go for LED bulbs

If you switch out the bulbs in your home for new Energy Star qualified bulbs, you will be saving money on your energy bills for years to come. Although they initially cost more, the bulbs will pay for themselves through the savings that they bring you. LED bulbs use 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs, and they also last 35 to 50 times longer. So not only are you saving money, but saving time too! The list of benefits goes on and on… from less heat omission and decreased chance of house fires to a higher level of durability which makes them less likely to shatter, there is simply no reason not to switch!

Check your smoke & carbon monoxide detectors

These detectors save lives! Since you should replace the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors at least once a year, the new year is the best time to get into this habit. While you are at it, remember that smoke detectors themselves need to be replaced every 10 years, and carbon monoxide detectors every 5-7 years!

Install a whole-house surge protector

What do a stormy night, a power company disruption, and a heavy duty electrical appliance in your home have in common? They all bring opportunities for power surges to enter your home. Surges destroy electronic devices and can even cause dangerous house fires. The good news is you can protect your home from surges by having your trusted electrician install a whole-house surge protector this year! 

Reset the ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlets

Did you know that you are supposed to do this every single month? While most consumers do not follow this practice, the new year is a great time to perform a reset of your GFCI outlets. You will find them in moisture prone areas like your bathroom and kitchen, and all you need to do is press the test/reset button. After this, make sure the outlet trips and resets properly and you are good to go! 

Reduce your home’s overall energy consumption

Finally, making small changes around your home can make a big difference when it comes to reducing your overall energy consumption. Be sure to turn off lights when leaving a room, unplug devices that you are not using, and purchase Energy Star qualified appliances. 

Need help setting your home electrical goals for the year? Contact our Victoria BC electricians today to speak to our experts.

Ask These 5 Questions Before Hiring A Victoria BC Electrician

Need an electrician in Victoria BC? It’s always a good idea to compare multiple contractors before selecting the best one for you, but how do you know if they are the right person for the job? Not every person who claims to be an “electrician” is qualified to perform safe and efficient electrical work in your home - and when it comes to dangerous electrical circuits, you will want to make sure that you leave repairs and upgrades to the experts. Below we have laid out 5 key questions that you should ask your Victoria electrician before you purchase their services:

  1. Do you have a license, bonding, and insurance?
    Your electrician should hold a valid electrical contractor’s license, along with bonding and insurance. This ensures that they have had rigorous training and are truly experts in their field. If the electrician you are speaking with becomes defensive or refuses to show you their license, there is a good chance that you do not want them to do work for you.

  2. Do you have a business license?
    Along with their electrician’s license, check to see if the electrician has a valid license to operate a business in your area. This adds even more legitimacy to the business and ensures that they are vetted by your community.

  3. How many years of experience do you have?
    Years of experience is just as important as having a license, so make sure to check how long your electrician has been in the business for. Not only will an experienced electrician perform more solid work, they will also likely be able to advise you on the best ways to save money and avoid future costs.

  4. Who will be performing the work?
    This one is important: will the owner be doing the work, or will they be bringing in their employees or subcontractors? If the owner will not be present at the work site, make sure that their employees are journeyman electricians and not just apprentices. Be very careful with subcontractors as they may not be covered under the business owner’s insurance, and you will want to make sure everyone is properly protected.

  5. Does your business offer a warranty? 
    It’s a good idea to check whether parts, labour, or both are covered under some kind of warranty, and how long that warranty lasts for. A good electrician will usually offer a warranty. 

Now that you know the right questions to ask, it’s time to find the right electrician for you! Contact us today with any questions about electrical services in Victoria BC - our team is happy to give you any information that you may need.

Common Electrical Problems In Your Victoria BC Home

When you come across a common electrical problem in your Victoria BC home, do you know what steps to take? Many of the most common electrical issues are easily fixed, but some require an electrician in Victoria BC called in. If you aren’t sure how to fix these common issues or how severe they may be, we have listed some quick-fixes and not-so-quick-fixes below. 

DIY Fixes 

Loose Outlet Plug: To fix this annoying issue, first turn off the breaker and double check for voltage using a voltmeter or just by plugging something in. Once you have made sure there is no electricity running to the outlet, unscrew the cover plate and add outlet shims until the outlet becomes flush with the wall. Put the cover plate back and you are good to go!

Short Circuit: If your hairdryer or other appliance trips or shorts the circuit, all you need to do is reset the breaker. If it is happening many times with the same appliance, your appliance is faulty. If it happens often with different appliances, it may be time to call in a pro.

Broken Light Switch: First, turn off the circuit breaker - the light will go out when you turn off the right one! Then, remove the faceplate on the switch and the switch itself. You can then test the two wires connected to the screw for electricity - if it is safe to do so, you can disconnect and reassemble the light switch to fix the issue.

Non-DIY Fixes 

Frequent Light Bulb Blowout: You might not be just using your lights too much - frequent bulb blowouts are caused by either loose connections in the socket or circuit, or overheating and resulting auto-shutoff of some lighting fixtures (especially recessed lighting).

Flickering Lights: Flickering or dimming lights could signify a poor connection, which could mean that you have loose or corroded connections in your electrical system. This could lead to sparking, overheating, and even fires in your home - so call a professional ASAP.

Warm Outlets: Warm outlets or switches (with the exception of dimming switches) are a very serious issue and should be looked at immediately by a Victoria BC electrician. Be sure to monitor the problem area closely until a pro can take a look.

Dead Outlets: A dead outlet is usually caused by a tripped poor connection or a tripped breaker due to either arcing or heat buildup. You’ll want to call in an expert to take a look at the extent of the damage.

Frequent Breaker Tripping: This is a strong sign that the circuit is using too much electricity and is therefore overloaded. In this situation, you may want to consider upgrading your electrical system or adding a circuit. 

Remember: many of the issues that require professional attention are hazardous problems that can cause serious damage to your home and family if left unchecked. Whether you don’t feel comfortable fixing a simpler issue, or have a larger problem at hand, if you need a trusted electrician’s services for your Victoria BC home, contact us today.

Does house lighting affect your mood?

Ever wonder what 3000k means on a Bulb? Kelvin is a measurement of a lights hue from soft to bright. This can affect your mood and your sleep. Here is a chart from 1000k to 5,000k.

1000K Candle LT Red/Yellow very warm

1800K Orange(Vintage look) warm

2400K lamp style used in restaurants and pubs to set the mood. (The combo of alcohol and brown light may make you sleep)

2700K Are great for bedroom lights. A warm light that can also be used for reading in bed. A dimmer is recommended for setting the mood. This light is great for living rooms, dining rooms, hallways.

3000K Is universal for the entire house. It’s a warm white light that will help you see the veggies you want to chop with your newly sharpened knife. Yikes.

4000K - It’s recommended If your eye sight is failing and that newly sharpened knife is in use. Whew! It’s also great for workshops, offices and sweat shops but I don’t condone the last one. The light has been proven to heighten emotions and increase energy. It’s described as a cool white light that is close to being daylight (5000k).

Now I can go on to the next segment since you are an expert in Kelvins. A great way to disperse lighting without casting shadows through your house is the use of pot lights. Unless you enjoy your house to look like count Draculas castle it’s important to place the pot lights strategically. You can put a 100 pot lights in the room but they will be useless unless there is a plan. A professional is recommend to lay out the lights - Old Joe the electrician is a good electrician but has no clue on how to make a lighting layout. “Hey Joe did you know incandescent lights are being discontinued?” I see new houses being built with lights in poor areas but they did something right they measured them to line up in a straight line. A Straight line means nothing in a pot light layout. A pot light is not to be seen by the eye because it’s recessed so keeping them in a place that makes the room larger or shines down on a piece of your west coast art is more necessary than a straight arrow light scheme.

Add style - Pendant lights, switch plugs for lamps , beautiful designer lights are all great for adding style.

Smart dimmers- so you can talk to your lights from your couch when watching Netflix. “Hey google dim the lights to 30 percent.”

We offer different styles of pot lights from square to round, 1 inch to 6 inch. The colour of the trims can either blend with the ceiling or it can be decorative colours that stand out.

Baffle trim- has a ribbed interior that helps minimize the glare

Reflector trim- helps focus the light using a mirrored surface.

Retro fit lights - These are great for renovations. It’s less intrusive on the drywall which means less money being spent for the Dry Wall Medic to fix it. Onda Electric provides Lotus Lighting a Vancouver based company. Lotus provides a 5 to 10 year, 30,000hrs to 50,000hrs manufacture warranty depending on the type of light.

- Gimbal (able to pivot on your west coast art)

- Regressed ( I have these in my house) absolutely my favourite lights on the retro end.

-Slim line flush mounted which are great in tight areas.

- Also, Lotus makes a cool light or should I say a gradual warm light that goes from 3000k to 2000k when you dim your lights. This is an amazing feature before you go to bed at night thus putting your night cycle in gear.

When it comes to installing pot lights please use a professional electrician that is bonded and insured. Your electrician should have knowledge of a lighting scheme or hire a designer to train Joe. Also, Don’t be afraid to ask for proof of a permit since this infraction could void your home insurance. Beware of hacks that cost you money in the end.