It’s a new decade and while many people set fitness or vacation goals, have you thought about your home electrical resolutions? One of the most attainable goals that you can set for yourself is about home development and improvement, and this includes your home electrical system. Why not set yourself up for success by planning how you can improve your home’s electrical system this year? Below are five tips to help you think about what can be updated, improved, and replaced to get your home’s electrical system in peak shape for the new year.
Go for LED bulbs
If you switch out the bulbs in your home for new Energy Star qualified bulbs, you will be saving money on your energy bills for years to come. Although they initially cost more, the bulbs will pay for themselves through the savings that they bring you. LED bulbs use 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs, and they also last 35 to 50 times longer. So not only are you saving money, but saving time too! The list of benefits goes on and on… from less heat omission and decreased chance of house fires to a higher level of durability which makes them less likely to shatter, there is simply no reason not to switch!
Check your smoke & carbon monoxide detectors
These detectors save lives! Since you should replace the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors at least once a year, the new year is the best time to get into this habit. While you are at it, remember that smoke detectors themselves need to be replaced every 10 years, and carbon monoxide detectors every 5-7 years!
Install a whole-house surge protector
What do a stormy night, a power company disruption, and a heavy duty electrical appliance in your home have in common? They all bring opportunities for power surges to enter your home. Surges destroy electronic devices and can even cause dangerous house fires. The good news is you can protect your home from surges by having your trusted electrician install a whole-house surge protector this year!
Reset the ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlets
Did you know that you are supposed to do this every single month? While most consumers do not follow this practice, the new year is a great time to perform a reset of your GFCI outlets. You will find them in moisture prone areas like your bathroom and kitchen, and all you need to do is press the test/reset button. After this, make sure the outlet trips and resets properly and you are good to go!
Reduce your home’s overall energy consumption
Finally, making small changes around your home can make a big difference when it comes to reducing your overall energy consumption. Be sure to turn off lights when leaving a room, unplug devices that you are not using, and purchase Energy Star qualified appliances.
Need help setting your home electrical goals for the year? Contact our Victoria BC electricians today to speak to our experts.