When You Should Upgrade Your Electrical Panel

Do you know if your electrical panel is due for an upgrade? There are many features in your home that you can avoid replacing if you perform regular upkeep and maintenance, but your electrical system is not one of these things. Old electrical systems are problematic for two main reasons: they were probably built when the electrical codes were less stringent, and they are probably worn down which can make them unstable and dangerous. Before you rush to upgrade your panel right away, read the information below to determine if you should be calling a trusted electrician to take a look at your home’s electrical system.

Put simply, your home’s electrical panel is the centre hub where the municipal power grid is connected to your home. All electricity flows into your home through this panel, which is made up of a series of breakers or fuses that distribute electricity evenly to different areas of the home. You may also know your electrical panel as the fuse or breaker box, and it can be found in garages, basements, or utility rooms.

Besides the element of safety, there are a few other benefits to upgrading your home’s electrical panel. There are many modern ways to supply homes with electricity that are often more energy efficient, which saves you money, energy, and time. New electrical panels can also manage overload in a more productive way, which will help prevent electrical fires and breaker tripping. 

So, how do you tell if you need to upgrade your electrical panel? Locate your electrical panel and take a look at it to help you answer the questions below:

  • Is my home older than 20 years?

  • Does the electrical panel ever feel warm?

  • Are there fuses in the electrical panel instead of breaker switches?

  • Do the fuses or breakers break or trip frequently?

  • Does the electrical panel ever have an unpleasant smell?

  • Are all appliances in my home running at full capacity?

  • Do the lights in my home dim or flicker when I turn an appliance on?

  • Will I be renovating or adding to my home in the near future?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, it is likely that your home’s electrical panel is ready to be upgraded. Unless you are a licensed electrician, it can be very dangerous to try and perform this upgrade yourself. Always call in a trusted professional electrician in Victoria to help you upgrade or make changes to your home’s electrical system.  

If your electrical panel needs an upgrade, contact our certified electricians today to get started!